

HOTnCOOL-NUTP gesa Putrajaya batal projek rintis, jangan paksa guru kerja 9 jam

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Nov — Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan (NUTP) hari ini menggesa Putrajaya membatalkan sahaja projek perintis guru bertugas sembilan jam sehari atas alasan kajian itu satu tindakan membazir selain tidak mendapat maklum balas positif daripada kalangan tenaga pendidik.

Selain itu, NUTP juga mendakwa dasar baru tersebut tidak sesuai buat masa sekarang memandangkan kebanyakan sekolah kurang kemudahan selesa dan kondusif bagi guru.

Projek perintis itu akan dilaksanakan di empat negeri melibatkan sekitar 5,000 guru sekolah rendah dan menengah kerajaan mulai 1 Januari depan.

Presiden NUTP Hashim Adnan berkata, pihaknya pasti bahawa kajian perintis itu tidak akan membawa hasil positif jika mengambil kira kemudahan semasa di kebanyakan dan beban kerja setiap guru buat masa sekarang.

“Kita tahu bahawa kajian perintis ini tidak akan membawa keputusan positif yang diharapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran... jadi mengapa kita hendak membuang masa dan wang rakyat.

“Lagipun guru tidak perlu diwajibkan kerja sembilan jam seperti perkhidmatan lain, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh menteri (hari ini), guru-guru perlu cukup istirahat dan mereka sebenarnya kerja lebih daripada sembilan jam... misalnya kita ambil kira seorang cikgu yang meninggal dunia bersama dua anak muridnya,” kata beliau ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Insider hari ini, dengan merujuk kepada tragedi empat orang meninggal dunia dalam nahas lebuh raya dekat Behrang awal pagi kelmarin.

Kata Hashim, besar kemungkinan guru-guru tidak akan berminat dengan dasar baru kerja sembilan jam, dan oleh itu “mengapa kerajaan hendak meneruskan kajian perintis ini?”

Hashim menjelaskan, Kementerian Pelajaran hendak menjalankan kajian perintis sebelum mewajikan kaum guru berkhidmat selama sembilan jam sehari seperti kakitangan awam yang lain.

“Langkah ini bertujuan menjadikan perkhidmatan pendidikan seperti perkhidmatan lain di negara ini. NUTP merasakan langkah ini tidak sesuai, tidak kena tempat memandangkan sifat perkhidmatan itu sendiri berbeza daripada sektor perkhidmatan awam yang lain,” kata beliau.

Di bawah dasar baru ini, guru sebelah pagi dikehendaki berada di sekolah dari 7.30 pagi hingga 4.30 petang manakala guru sebelah petang pula dikehendaki masuk sekolah 9.30 pagi dan bertugas sehngga 6.30 petang.

Semalam, Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong menasihatkan para guru agar tidak “panik” dengan projek rintis sistem bekerja sembilan jam Kementerian Pelajaran.

Projek itu yang akan dilaksanakan mulai Januari 2012 di empat negeri — Melaka, Sarawak, Pahang dan Johor berasaskan satu kajian di Melaka Tengah yang mengenal pasti tempoh bekerja yang ideal bagi guru.

Laporan media menyebut kira-kira 5,000 guru dari hampir 104 sekolah di seluruh negara akan menjadi perintis kepada sistem waktu bekerja sembilan jam mulai Januari depan.

PAS, komponen Pakatan Rakyat hari ini turut menggesa Kementerian Pelajaran mengkaji semula projek perintis guru-guru bertugas selama sembilan jam sehari yang akan dilaksanakan di empat negeri mulai Januari ini.

Ahli jawatankuasa kerja PAS Idris Ahmad berkata, tindakan itu tidak wajar memandangkan guru memang sedia terbeban pada masa ini termasuk tugasan selain mengajar.

“Rasional apakah guru-guru terpaksa bekerja selama sembilan jam? Sebenarnya guru-guru di Malaysia sudah sedia terbeban, bukan sahaja pembelajaran dan pengajaran.

“Malahan guru sudah menjadi tenaga kerja pelbagai tujuan kerana semua perkara guru terpaksa melakukan. Guru juga pemandu ambulans jika pelajar sakit, menjadi polis trafik ketika pelajar keluar sekolah, pengawal disiplin, pegawai kewangan kalau ia guru kelas, menjadi kerani untuk masuk markah,” kata beliau.

Hashim menambah, berkata pihaknya belum menjalankan kajian ke atas projek perintis itu tetapi pihaknya telah menerima maklum balas awal daripada guru-guru membantah langkah itu.

“Tanda-tanda awal ini menunjukan projek ini tidak akan berjaya, jadi batalkan sahaja projek perintis... buang masa kalau kita buat kajian ini,” kata beliau yang turut berharap Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam akan meneliti perkara ini khususnya dari sudut kemudahan dan keselesaan tempat kerja.

“Kalau kita hendak duduk di pejabat selama sembilan jam sehari, kita kena ada kemudahan yang selesa. Kakitangan di agensi lain ada meja, persekitaran yang selesa, tetapi di kebanyakan sekolah tidak, ini kena diperbaiki dulu... tak perlu buat kajian lagi,” tambah Hashim.

reaksi pro and cont...

emm.. aku cikgu... bg aku x masalah kalau kerja 9 jam. selama ni pon aku keje lebih 9 jam. citernya gini masuk keje dalam lingkungan 6.20am - pulang jam 4.00pm (boleh check rekod dalam SPS - sekolah bestari). sampai rumah selepas urus diri dan anak-anak serta isteri, aku semak keje budak-budak skolah, pastu buat RPH utk persediaan esoknya. Sejak beberapa tahun ni mcm2 KPM usahakan untuk menambah tugas aku. antaranya yang terbaru SAPS. selain itu aku kena urus ko kurikulum, jadi guru kelas, buat laporan tahunan, rekod kehadiran murid, urus SPBT, kwapm, biasiswa, resit bayaran yuran sekolah murid, daftar spm, kelas kecemerlangan, motivasi, laporan mingguan, urus perhimpunan, urus murid tak patuhi disiplin dan lain2. Belum masuk senarai EMIS, SMM, SSDM, mesyuarat itu ini... termasuk program badan2 kerajaan yang menyibuk kat sekolah. baru2 tu ada penyerahan komputer 1Malaysia, aku urus dengan mudahnya. ada murid dan ibu bapa yang tak reti isi borang aku tolong isikan, ada yg terlupa salinan MyKad aku call ibu bapa mintak hantar, tp diorang kata sibuk jadi aku ke rumah mereka bersama anaknya utk ambil copy Mykad. alangkah sibuknya mereka di rumah ketika aku sampai. kadang2 murid sakit kat asrama aku kena hantar ke sepital PAKAI DUIT GAJI AKU BELI MINYAK GUNA KERETA AKU SENDIRI DAN TAK ADA BAYARAN GANTI ATAU CLAIM. jadi soal kerja 9 jam bukan masalahnya kerana selama ini aku kerja 14 - 18 jam sehari. yang perlu difikirkan ialah murid sekolah yang akan belajar selama 9 jam itu. bagaimana persediaan mental mereka? adakah mereka cukup bersedia atau akan mewujudkan masalah lain pula. sebelum ini sudah ada perlaksanaan persekolahan sehingga jam 3.00, apa kesudahannya??? LINGKUP!!! ibu bapa komplen anak tak dapat ke sekolah agama, anak kelaparan sehingga ke petang, bawa bekalan makanan basi, sampai kat sekolah makanan dah sejuk, apabila dimakan sakit perut pulak, nak makan kat kantin tak cukup duit sebab ekonomi keluarga tak stabil. duit tambang pun dah mencapai rm 3.00. klu makan lagi lbh kurang rm 5.00. zaman ini mana ada barang yang murah... tunggulah dan lihatlah. tak akan kemana jua.

satu lagi keputusan adhoc!!!how stupid are they?look,guru bekerja dgn lingkungan manusia yang sedang membesar,semua perlu diarah dan di tunjuk ajar,terpekik terjerit biasalah,blm tgh hari tekak dah perit,suara dah parau,mmg kerja guru nampak sgt senang,penatnya hanya tuhan yang a parent we know how difficult to manage our kids right?so bayangkanlah...(but no problem,teacher will absorb everythings,dont worry!!!)

Guru2 ni dah banyak lemak. Dah banyak keistemewaan.....kerja 9 jam pun dah dianggap beban. Saya cakap ni berdasarkan REALITI.... Jiran saya ada 3 orang guru dan mereka ni sempat pergi berkebun dan menoreh getah. Jadi dimanakah letaknya dikatakan guru ni banyak kerja ? Pegawai awam yang lain juga kerja 9 jam dan ada yang membawa balik kerja dirumah, tak bising pun... Ini guru2 kerja lebih sikit pun dah bising !!! Jiran saya balik dari mengajar pukul 3.00ptg sempat pergi kebun lagi...waktu cuti Sabtu/Ahad pergi memancing.... Guru ni bukan setiap masa mengajar dari pukul 7.30pagi hingga 4.30 petang....Bohong lah....

trauma cikgu2 ni kan.. maklumla slama ni keje half day je... (sarcastic)
ni pluang utk naik gaji n greding.. klu x asyik nak minta naik gaji tp keje x sberapa x bolela...
lgpun stakat jaga bdk2 je,,, bkn jg hal-ehwal negara atau konglomerat....


HOT-Co-founder of social network site Diaspora, Ilya Zhitomirskiy, dies at 22

PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) -- Ilya Zhitomirskiy, a co-founder of the startup social networking site Diaspora that put an emphasis on privacy and user-control, has died, a company spokesman said Monday. He was 22.

The cause of Zhitomirskiy's death in San Francisco wasn't immediately known, and neither the company nor the San Francisco Medical Examiner's office would release details.

"Ilya was a great guy. He was a visionary, he was a co-founder of a company that hopes to bring a better social networking experience," said Peter Schurman, a Diaspora spokesman. "We are all very sad that he is gone. It is a huge loss for all of us, including his family."

Zhitomirskiy was one of four students who started Diaspora in a computer lab at New York University.

As an anti-Facebook of sorts, the group raised more than $200,000 by collecting contributions through the website Kickstarter.

Last month, it posted a blog on its website asking for more contributions.

The site champions the idea of sharing while keeping control. On its website, the company promotes itself as a "fun and creative community that puts you in control."

In a video posted on Vimeo in April 2010, when Diaspora first went looking for funds, Zhitomirskiy describes his vision.

"No longer will you be at the whims of those large corporate networks who want to tell you that sharing and privacy are mutually exclusive," Zhitomirskiy said alongside co-founders Raphael Sofaer, Dan Grippi, and Max Salzber.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is listed as a supporter. He told in May 2010 after Facebook announced new privacy controls that he liked the open source project. "I think it is cool people are trying to do it. I see a little of myself in them," he said.

According to Zhitomirskiy's profile on Diaspora, he's "super passionate about building a world of hacker spaces, maker culture, sharing, cycling, and life satisfaction."

In a September 2010 interview with New York Magazine, Zhitomirskiy said he wanted social network users to migrate to websites that were more transparent about privacy policies.

Zhitomirskiy said he and his co-founders didn't set out to make money when they created Diaspora but to instead provide an "open platform" for users.

"There's something deeper than making money off stuff," Zhitomirskiy said. "Being a part of creating stuff for the universe is awesome.



HOT-Pacquiao beats Marquez by controversial decision

Manny Pacquiao defeated Juan Manuel Marquez in yet another excruciatingly close fight, winning a majority decision Saturday before a sellout crowd of 16,368 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena to keep hopes alive for a 2012 match between Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Judge Robert Hoyle had it a draw, 114-114, as did Yahoo! Sports. But judge Dave Moretti favored Pacquiao 115-113 and Glenn Trowbridge had Pacquiao winning 116-112. Thus, Pacquiao retained his World Boxing Organization welterweight title and kept alive a mega-bout against Mayweather.

Upon hearing the decision, Marquez and his team stormed out of the ring.

Mayweather, who routed Marquez by winning every round of a 2009 fight, is the only fighter in the world other than the Filipino congressman with a legitimate claim to boxing’s mythical pound-for-pound top spot.

And after Saturday’s performance, Mayweather may move up regardless.

Pacquiao has had difficulty in three fights with Marquez’s counter-punching style and Saturday was no different. Marquez, who bulked up to 142 pounds, was able to consistently land a straight right hand and keep Pacquiao off-balance.

Pacquiao, who had been on a 14-fight winning streak going into the match, was only able to get his offense untracked in spurts. And unlike the first two bouts, in which he had four knockdowns, Pacquiao was unable to get Marquez onto the floor.

source sportyahoo


HOT-Giant crocodile Lolong not eating 'due to stress'

A saltwater crocodile that could be the world's largest in captivity has not eaten for six days since being captured in a creek in the southern Philippines.

Wildlife official Ronnie Sumiller, who led the hunt for the 20-foot (6.1 metre) crocodile, nicknamed Lolong, said the reptile was under close observation for signs of stress.

He said it was normal for crocodiles to be stressed after being trapped and handled. Even in the wild, they do not normally eat daily, and a crocodile as huge as Lolong can go without food for up to six months.

Lolong has been placed in an 800-square metre pen, secured by concrete walls topped with wire in Bunawan township, where he was caught last weekend.

"We came here to take a look, because it was reported that on the first few days of his capture … there were big crowds and some would throw stones to make him move, so we were afraid he might become stressed," Theresa Mundita Lim, the director of the government's Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, said.

She flew from the capital to the southern Agusan del Sur province to talk to local officials about guidelines for onlookers and to inspect the crocodile's new home.

The Bunawan mayor, Edwin Cox Elorde, said Lolong did not budge when a dead chicken was laid nearby to whet his appetite.

He said that although officials had tried to restrict the public viewing of the crocodile, small groups of visitors who travelled long distances had pleaded to be allowed to see the reptile.

Lolong is estimated to be at least 50 years old, and wildlife officials were trying to confirm whether it was the largest such catch in the world, Lim said.

The crocodile was caught after a three-week hunt, easing some fears among the locals. A child was killed in the same township by a crocodile two years ago, and Lolong had been suspected of killing a fisherman who has been missing since July.

But Sumiller said he had found no human remains when he induced Lolong to vomit. Another search was being arranged for a possibly larger crocodile that he and residents had seen in the town's marshy outskirts.

source guardian



The most memorable points Andre Agassi and Roger Federer ever played against one another didn't come at Wimbledon, the U.S. Open or any other Grand Slam. None of that compared to the sight of the two tennis superstars trading ground strokes 700 feet above Dubai's Jumeirah beach in a February 2005 exhibition on the helipad on the roof of the seven-star Burj Al Arab hotel.

see more the Carrier Classic in top 10.


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HOT-Wow! See How Big Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 6 Kids Have Gotten

The family is in town while Pitt promotes "Moneyball." Last week, the Jolie-Pitt clan was in Budapest while Pitt filmed scenes for his upcoming zombie flick "World War Z."

But even though Pitt and Jolie have a full house, they still find time for themselves. "There are no secrets at our house," Pitt told USA Weekend earlier this year. "We tell the kids, 'Mom and dad are going off to kiss.' They go, 'Eww, gross!' But we demand it."

Jolie told the Financial Times that becoming a mom to six had changed her relationship with work. "I don't love [acting] as much as I did," she said. "I love being a mom."

"As Brad and I get older, we're going to do fewer films. I've been working for a long time, he's been working for a long time," she explained. "We've had a nice run, and I don't want to be doing this our whole lives. There are a lot of other things to do.
source wonderwall"


Hot-China hospital disposes of live baby

Health authorities in south China said Friday they were investigating a hospital medical team for mistakenly diagnosing a stillbirth and disposing of a baby that was alive.

The probe is taking place at the Nanhai Red Cross Hospital in the Guangdong provincial city of Foshan where the incident occurred on October 26, the Nanhai district health bureau said in a statement faxed to AFP.

According to the statement, Liu Dongmei -- eight months pregnant -- had been rushed to the hospital with internal bleeding and stomach cramps.

She later had an emergency birth, but the baby was neither breathing nor crying after leaving the womb and its skin had turned purple, it said.

Believing it was dead, the medical team disposed of the child but did not follow proper hospital procedures, the statement added.

The Foshan News, a local website, reported that when Liu's sister-in-law asked to see the body around 30 minutes after birth, she was handed a yellow plastic bag containing the infant and found it was still alive.

"I opened the plastic bag and saw the baby's hands and feet moving, the stomach was going up and down and air bubbles were coming out of his mouth," the paper quoted her as saying.

She was further shocked when she saw the baby was a boy -- not a girl as the family had been told, it said.

According to the Foshan News, nurses had told the family the child was a girl in an effort to blunt the blow of its death.

In China, baby boys are often viewed as more precious than girls, as many families can have only one child as part of the nation's population policy and desire a male heir.

Following the discovery, the newborn was rushed to intensive care where he remains in a stable condition.

Officials at the hospital refused to comment on the incident when contacted by AFP.

China's healthcare system -- once widely praised for improving the health of millions -- is now panned as costly, underfunded and providing shoddy treatment, especially in poorer regions.

Liu and her husband are seeking to sue the hospital for 300,000 yuan ($45,000), the Beijing News said.

The head of the maternity ward, a doctor and two nurses have been suspended pending the results of the investigation, it added.

source AFP


hot-Keretakan bongkah air besar di Antartika

WASHINGTON: Saintis NASA hari ini memberi amaran bahawa keretakan semakin teruk berlaku terhadap lapisan ais Antartika dan boleh terpisah dalam beberapa bulan lagi sekali gus membentuk sebahagian bongkah ais sebesar bandaraya New York.

Keretakan di Pine Island Glacier barat Antartika merebak sehingga 30 kilometer dengan kedalaman 50 meter.Ia juga membesar pada kadar dua meter setiap hari, kata saintis NASA, Michael Studinger.Apabila ais terpisah, ia akan menghasilkan bongkah ais lebih daripada 880 kilometer persegi. - AFP


HOT-Jennifer Lopez: I Fired Manager Who Told Me to Lose Weight

Jennifer Lopez does many things -- she sings, she acts, she designs a clothing line -- but the thing she is best known for is her dangerous curves. Surprisingly, though, as the 42-year-old reveals to her former "Monster in Law" co-star Jane Fonda, who interviews her in the new issue of Glamour, she once had a manager who had the nerve to tell her to lose weight. Fortunately, Jennifer gave him the heave-ho instead.

Jennifer Lopez's Cover Shoot Gallery

"I was just so infuriated that somebody said you couldn't have a little extra meat on you -- because I was by no means fat!" the mother of twins Max and Emme says. "That was so mean and closed-minded. I was like: 'No, this is who I am and this is the type of woman that I grew up with and it was beautiful and there's no reason to be anybody but myself.'"

19 Cute Celebrity Haircuts to Consider

The "American Idol" judge, who announced her split with husband Marc Anthony in July, has a figure most women would die for, which means that no one is asking her to shed pounds these days.

Fall 2011's Most Wearable Trends

"No, I don't get that now," she says. "I think people know better."

J.Lo also confesses that while her bikini body is currently no longer an issue, she hasn't ruled out plastic surgery in the future.

source omg

COOL-Angry Birds Costumes

Halloween is coming up soon, and if you want to dress up like an Angry Bird, you’re running out of time. It’s too late to buy a costume online (and many of the best Angry Birds costumes are sold out anyway), so you might have to resort to making one yourself. Here are some ideas to get you started.

We found some of the best examples of Angry Birds costumes — many of them graced numerous Halloween parties last year, and then we added at the end of this gallery a quick peek at the commercial versions of Angry Birds costumes you might be able to find in local stores or use as a starting-off point for your own ideas.

So take a look, get out those arts and crafts tools and sewing machines (or see if you can find somebody who’s good at that sort of thing). Good luck, and stay angry (but with a smile on your face)!

source mashable

COOL- Girl, 3, eats leftovers for 2 days after mom dies

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A 3-year-old girl comforted herself with her favorite toy and ate cheese, leftover lasagna and milk for two days after her mother died unexpectedly in their New Zealand home.

The girl's uncle, Pete Silbery, told The Associated Press on Friday that Shylah Silbery managed to open the fridge and comfort herself with a teddy bear named "Possum" after Lauren Silbery, 28, died.

The family last spoke to Lauren Silbery on Oct. 19, he said. Two days later, they were worried enough to call a friend who lived near her Wellington home. The friend could see the girl inside the home, but not the mother, prompting the family to call police, Pete Silbery said.

Police coaxed Shylah to drag a coffee table to the door so she could reach the lock and unlock the door, before she told them, "Mummy won't wake up," Silbery said.

"I can only imagine her in there for that long, trying to wake Mum up as well," he said.

Shylah spent several days in a hospital recovering from dehydration and diaper rash.

"She's doing OK now. She's still bubbly," he said. "When we lowered the coffin into the grave at the cemetery, though, she pointed at it and said 'Mummy's in there.' It was pretty heartbreaking."

According to the Taranaki Daily News, the girl's grandmother said she knew Lauren Silbery was dead as soon as she walked into the house with the authorities.

"I knew exactly what had happened — mother's instinct. You can't be as close to somebody like Lauren and not know. I pushed one of the cops back. He said, 'No, don't go up there'. I pushed him aside and I got upstairs and there she was," Heather Silbery said.

Authorities are awaiting the results of an autopsy but don't believe Lauren Silbery's death was suspicious, Wellington police spokesman Victoria Davis said.

source msnbc


Hot-sihir paku dalam kaki dimasukkan oleh sihir ?

JAKARTA: Lebih 25 batang paku dikeluarkan daripada kaki seorang kanak-kanak perempuan yang disyaki dimasukkan oleh seseorang, kata doktor yang bertanggungjawab melakukan pembedahan itu semalam.
“Objek ditemui pada kaki kanak-kanak ini dimasukkan dari luar,” kata Dr Kamaruddin Said ketika memberitahu Metro TV bagi meredakan tanggapan orang ramai yang kononnya dimasukkan secara ilmu hitam.
Dr Kamaruddin dipetik Jakarta Globe berkata adalah sangat luar biasa kerana mangsa, Safira, 3, tidak mengalami komplikasi yang mengancam nyawanya kesan daripada paku berkarat itu, setiap satu berukuran 10 sentimeter.

Beliau berkata, sebatang lagi paku didapati ditanam berdekatan tulang belakang kanak-kanak itu dan akan menunggu sehingga Safira sembuh sebelum melakukan pembedahan lain.

“Secara perubatan, mustahil paku berkenaan wujud sendiri di dalam badan manusia. Ketika pembedahan, kita juga tahu ada paku yang baru dimasukkan. Bekas luka turut kelihatan di betis kanak-kanak ini. Persoalannya adalah ini tindakan jenayah atau ilmu hitam, kami tidak tahu,” kata Dr Kamaruddin yang juga pakar bedah di Hospital Kerajaan Andi Makkasau, bandar Parepare, Makassar. – Agensi


Cool-Percula Clownfish: Your Mommy Was Your Daddy.

In Disney’s animated movie Finding Nemo, the animators forgot to tell you one thing about clownfish: they can change gender!

Clownfish live in a group consisting of a breeding pair of male and female, as well as some non-breeding males. There is strict hierarchy based on size: the largest is the female, next largest is the male, and then the non-breeding males.

If the female dies (or gets fished, I suppose), the male will change sex and become the female! Then the largest of the non-breeding males will get a promotion to become the breeding male.

source neatorama

HOT-Mariah Yeater Claims Justin Bieber is Her Baby's Daddy

source picture entertainment

Controversey is finally hitting the world of pop star Justin Bieber. The teen idol just got slapped with a paternity suit from 20-year-old Mariah Yeater, claiming that Bieber is the father of her now three-month-old baby.

Star Magazine broke the story in which Yeater alleges that she not only took Justin's virginity, but the one-night tryst resulted in her pregnancy. According to Yeater, she had sex with Justin in a backstage bathroom following one of his concerts at L.A.'s Staples Center in October of last year after a security guard asked her if she wanted to meet the singer after the show.

source zimbio


HOT-16-foot python found in Florida had eaten a deer Everglades biologist: 'This is clearly an extreme event'

EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK, Fla. — Officials in the Florida Everglades have captured and killed a 16-foot-long Burmese python that had just eaten an adult deer.

Scott Hardin, exotic species coordinator for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, said workers found the snake on Thursday. The reptile was one of the largest ever found in South Florida.

Hardin said the python had recently consumed a 76-pound female deer that had died. He said it was an important capture to help stop the spread of pythons further north.

The python was killed with a shotgun blast.
source msnbc

Taylor Swift Threatens Lawsuit Over Topless Photo

Taylor Swift is prepared to go to war with a website called Celebrity Jihad ... claiming she was wrongly identified in a "leaked" nude photo ... and now she's threatening to sue their asses.

The photo in question features a topless woman who bears a resemblance to Swift under the headline, "Taylor Swift Topless Private Pic Leaked?"

Swift's lawyers are pissed -- and fired over a letter to the site demanding it take down the post immediately ... or else she'll sue for trademark infringement.

In the letter, Team Swift says the site contains, "false pornographic images and false 'news" about the singer.

A rep for the site tell us the blog is considering its options. Swift's people had no comment.
source tzm


hot - lubuk duit ebay-produk fizikal

Perniagaan Produk Fizikal. Ada banyak produk fizikal yang boleh anda jual di internet. Anda boleh menjualnya samada di dalam Malaysia ataupun di peringkat antarabangsa. Tips menjual produk fizikal dari saya.

Jual produk yang susah orang dapatkan di kedai berhampiran mereka. Lagi susah orang jumpa, lagi best! Contohnya – Jersi original dengan harga murah, pinggan mangkuk CORELLE, sos char koew tiow Penang, kerongsang Sarawak, tudung Masjid India, Al Quran Digital Red Pen, kain batik dan bermacam-macam lagi.

Harga produk dengan lebih murah di pasaran. Ini antara tarikan utama. Ramai orang membeli disebabkan harga. Di internet, anda boleh menjual produk dengan harga lebih murah kerana anda tidak perlu membayar kos sewa kedai. Sebagai contoh, Al Quran Digital Read Pen yang dijual di internet, murah lebih kurang 30% dari harga pasaran.

Jual produk yang kering, tahan lasak. Jika pelanggan sasaran anda adalah meluas (tidak terhad di kawasan anda sahaja), anda dinasihatkan untuk menjual produk yang tahan lama, tidak mudah pecah, tidak basah.

Itulah tips-tips ringkas, dalam penjualan produk fizikal di internet.

Tapi jika anda tiada modal, bagaimana anda boleh menjalankan perniagaan internet seperti ini? Sebenarnya, tanpa modal pun anda boleh menjalankan perniagaan internet ini.

Lelongan EBAY. Ramai yang menjalankan perniagaan internet secara part time dengan menjalankan perniaagaan ebay. Mereka dapatkan produk yang berpotensi, dan mereka melelongnya di Ebay. Produk boleh didapati dengan cara dropship ataupun dapatkannya sendiri di pasaran tempatan. Paling banyak dilakukan, lelong Jersi di Ebay yang mana ianya banyak dijalankan oleh usahawan ebay muda di Malaysia. Pelanggan ebay berada di seluruh dunia.

Affiliate. Anda promosikan web jualan dan produk usahawan lain, dan jana komisen darinya apabila ada jualan. Ini yang paling mudah dilakukan di mana anda tak perlu urus pelanggan, tidak perlu memiliki laman web, dan boleh dimulakan juga tanpa modal.

Perniagaan produk fizikal di internet memang antara paling mudah difahami untuk dijalankan. Maka tak hairanlah di Malaysia, begitu ramai yang terlibat dalam perniagaan produk fizikal terutamanya EBAY.


Hot-Hukum makan sarang burung layang-layang

Dari sudut feqah, tiada apa-apa sebab yang mengharamkan makan sarang burung layang-layang. Kerana, ia diperbuat daripada liurnya, dan liurnya adalah suci. Maka kembali kepada kaedah asas syarak: Asal kepada sesuatu perkara adalah HALAL, kecuali ada nas yang mengharamnya.

dan kaedah yang lebih detail ialah: Asal kepada benda2 yang bermanfaat adalah HALAL, dan asal kepada benda yang memudatkan adalah HARAM.

Berdasar kaedah ini juga, sarang burung layang2 dihukum halal, kerana ia adalah makanan yg terbukti tidak membawa mudarat, malahan membawa manfaat kepada tubuh badan.

Firman Allah Taala: "Katakan: Tiada aku dapati dalam wahyu yang diwahyukan kepadaku sesuatu yang diharamkan keatas orang yang mahu memakannya, kecuali makanan itu ialah bangkai, darah yg mengalir, atau daging ****" (Al-An'aam: 145)

memakan sarang burung layang-layang maka Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan Bil. 8/79/2007 membuat keputusan sebagaimana berikut:
"Hukum memakan sarang burung layang-layang adalah harus"
rujuk e-fatwa

HOT-bahaya mee segera

Kalsium Sulfat: Kapur Paris.

Asid Tartarik: Bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam julap dan untuk memutihkan cermin. Lebih beracun berbanding 100% alkohol tulen.

Kalsium Oksida: Digunakan rawatan sisa buangan dan dalam racun serangga.

Tertiary Butylhydroxyquinone (TBHQ): Produk berasaskan petroleum; satu bentuk butane (cecair dalam pemetik api).
BHT: Risiko karsinogen dan kesan berbahaya kepada ginjal.

Propyl Gallate: Satu xenoestrogen (sebatian seperti hormon). Boleh memberikan kesan sampingan kepada pembiakan, perkembangan janin yang sihat dan menghalang pengeluaran sperma.

Pentasodium triphosphate: Bahan pencuci paling berkuasa (sering digunakan dalam bahan cuci), bahan samak untuk kulit binatang juga digunakan dalam pengeluaran kertas, penapisan petroleum, aplikasi lombong dan rawatan air.

Propylene Glycol: Pelarut sintetik yang dianggap racun neurologi. Digunakan untuk pembuatan bahan pendingin, antibeku automotif, cecair yang berfungsi dalam tekanan hidraulik dan sebagainya. Jumlah berlebihan yang diambil boleh membawa kepada kerosakan buah pinggang.

Polydimethylsiloxane: Digunakan dalam kanta sentuh, syampu (untuk menjadikan rambut berkilat dan licin), minyak pelincir dan jubin tahan panas.

Pewarna tiruan (contohnya: Sunset Yellow FCF dan Tartrazine): Menyumbang kepada hiperaktiviti dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan mungkin turut menyumbang kepada gangguan visual dan pembelajaran serta kerosakan saraf yang mungkin menjadi penyebab kanser.

Rujukan : Akhbar Utusan Pengguna keluaran Nov-Dis 2010.


HOT-Jennifer Lopez breaks down on stage

(People) -- Her own lyrics hit a little too close to home for Jennifer Lopez, who broke down in tears onstage after singing a song about loves from her past.

"I'm going to sing you the last song I wrote about love," Lopez, who recently split from husband Marc Anthony, told the audience at the Mohegan Sun's 15th anniversary celebration on Saturday night after singing an acoustic rendition of her hit "If You Had My Love." "A lot has changed since then."

Lopez, 42, then launched into "Until It Beats No More" while dancers re-enacted scenes with the singer and some of the men from her past. A Lopez lookalike danced with guys who looked a lot like her exes Diddy, Cris Judd and Ben Affleck.

The final couple to appear in the spotlight danced much like Lopez and her estranged husband during their "American Idol" performance in May, just weeks before they announced their split.

After she was done, Lopez told the sold-out crowd, "I took a trip down memory lane" -- and then started to cry as the crowd applauded.

But it wasn't all sadness for Lopez. A photo of her twins Max and Emme, 3½, flashed above her head and she said, "There's love -- and then there's love.
source edition.cnn"
